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Certified and card on how to respond
It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplace that is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical and first aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace. The details of a workplace medical and first aid program are dependent on the circumstances of each workplace and employer. The intent of this page is to provide general information that may be of assistance. If additional information is required, an Occupational Health Professional should be contacted.
Medical and first aid services are addressed in specific standards for the general industry, shipyard employment, marine terminals, longshoring, and the construction industry.
The following is deemed to be the minimal acceptable first-aid and CPR training program for employees engaged in logging activities.
First-aid and CPR training shall be conducted using the conventional methods of training such as lecture, demonstration, practical exercise and examination (both written and practical). The length of training must be sufficient to assure that trainees understand the concepts of first aid and can demonstrate their ability to perform the various procedures contained in the outline below.
At a minimum, first-aid and CPR training shall consist of the following:
- The definition of first aid.
- Legal issues of applying first aid (Good Samaritan Laws).
- Basic anatomy.
- Patient assessment and first aid for the following:
- Respiratory arrest.
- Cardiac arrest.
- Hemorrhage.
- Lacerations/abrasions.
- Amputations.
- Musculoskeletal injuries.
- Shock.
- Eye injuries.
- Burns.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Extreme temperature exposure (hypothermia/hyperthermia)
- Paralysis
- Poisoning.
- Loss of mental functioning (psychosis/hallucinations, etc.).
- Artificial ventilation.
- Drug overdose.
- CPR.
- Application of dressings and slings.
- Treatment of strains, sprains, and fractures.
- Immobilization of injured persons.
- Handling and transporting injured persons.
- Treatment of bites, stings, or contact with poisonous plants or animals.