+ Students
Fall Protection
Authorized in how and when to use fall protection and what kind of Personnel Protective Equipment is needed.
Falls cause more deaths in construction than any other hazard. In 2011, falls accounted for over a third of the 721 total construction deaths. Workers performing tasks 4-30 feet above lower levels are at risk of fatal falls or serious injuries in industries such as: Maritime, General, Construction.
Why is it important to prevent falls? Preventing falls can mean the difference between life and death. Hundreds of workers die from falls each year. You can prevent such deaths by planning to get the job done safely, providing the right fall protection equipment, and training all workers to use the equipment safely. Many construction workers perform tasks at a height that requires protection from fall hazards. Having a serious injury or death occur at work affects everyone at a worksite. A fall can occur in a split second without any time for the worker to react. Carrying out the training Short and direct Toolbox Talks can be a very efficient way to reach workers with health and safety information. Like all training, delivering the information effectively takes preparation and a desire to involve the workers in health and safety at the workplace. Employers may train workers to lead the training or have supervisors provide the training. Studies have shown peer-to-peer training is effective, participatory and well-retained.